Chief Transformation officer

Entrant Company

WILB Effect


Achievement - Achievement in General Excellence

Client's Name

Jessica Atkinson PMP, CMP, CSM

Country / Region

United States

Known for her adaptability, Jessica seamlessly navigates complex initiatives—be it international corporate build-outs, technological overhauls, or even documentaries in collaboration with global organizations like the United Nations and Human Rights Watch. But beyond project metrics and deadlines lies her real impact: her advocacy for authenticity and diversity of thought in decision-making.

As the visionary CEO of The WILB Effect, Jessica pioneers a transformative mission—to establish workplaces where authentic dialogues are not just welcome but celebrated. This movement has its roots in her own life journey; from a childhood in a foster home in an emerging country to standing up for Human Rights in the Supreme Court, Jessica has battled systemic obstacles and emerged a beacon of what authentic leadership looks like. The mantra of "I WILB Me" and “Embrace Authenticity, Awaken Greatness” rings through her work, offering a new paradigm for corporate leadership.

Jessica's multi-faceted identity as a woman, Latina, lesbian, and Black individual amplifies her unwavering commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and acceptance. The WILB Effect is not just a business venture for Jessica—it's a global movement to infuse workplaces with the richness of diverse perspectives as an avenue for collective success. In an era calling for change, Jessica Atkinson doesn’t just answer; she leads the charge.

Refactoring Project of Enerjisa Mobile Application

Entrant Company

Enerjisa Enerji A.Ş


Business Website - Energy

Country / Region



Entrant Company



Customer Service - Best Customer Satisfaction Strategy

Country / Region

United Kingdom

John Paul Souza, CEO of ERTC.com

Entrant Company

ERTC Express


Executives & Professionals of the Year - Entrepreneur of the Year

Country / Region

United States

Let's Save It Program

Entrant Company



Company & Organization - Most Innovative Company of the Year

Country / Region

United States