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Trust Consulting Services is a professional services consultancy based in Washington DC that offers a wide range of professional services and tools for government and private clients, including AI, IT, machine learning, networking support, and more. In short, any government agency can turn to TRUST to work with experts in their desired field and gain support for a wide range of IT tasks along with acquisition support, facilities management, financial management, project and program management, and many more.
With every service, budgeted funds are maximized, project management from the TRUST team saves time and energy for everyone involved, ensuring that constituents receive the finest care, and the client can rest knowing that they get (as part of their partnership with TRUST) experienced employees on-site who offer the care and attention that is required for every task.
Entrant Company
Dr. Prasanth Kamma
Information Technology - IT Future Leader of the Year
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
KoçSistem Bilgi ve IletiSim Hizmetleri A.S
Business Website - Business Website / Others:___
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Entrant Company
Enerjisa Başkent Elektrik Perakende Satış A.Ş.
Customer Service - Sustainability & Environment
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