Allied Bank Best Recruitment Strategy

Entrant Company

Allied Bank Ltd.


Human Resources - Best Recruitment Strategy

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Human Resource Planning & Budgeting
Human Resource function acting as business enabler develops organograms of each function through in-depth analysis of workload in consultation with the respective functions. These organograms are reviewed periodically based on change in business dynamics, operational efficiencies and digitalization of processes.

Headcount for branch banking, being major shareholder in overall staff strength of the Bank, is derived from objective criteria after taking into consideration financial transactions handled at branch counters. In depth analysis is performed for determining volume of work handled on daily average basis. Due weightage is also given not only to non-financial transactions handled at branch counter but the ‘customer footfall’ at branches is also gauged to arrive at realistic manpower required to serve at branch counters.

Annual plan of Human Resources stems out of hiring strategy in line with current years goals and objectives derived from vision and mission statement of the organization.
Allied Bank established its in-house Psychometric Assessment Centre (CARE) managed by a team of PhD professionals and certified organizational psychologists. With this establishment, Allied Bank has developed responsibly designed tests which cater to providing fair and unbiased opportunity to candidates, while highlighting their major skill sets and personality traits. In turn, allowing the Bank to select the most perfect fit for the role, solely based on performance.


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