Christopher Snider: A Pioneer in The Exit Planning Profession

Entrant Company

Exit Planning Institute


Entrepreneur - Professional Services

Client's Name

Christopher Snider, CEO Exit Planning Institute

Country / Region

United States

Christopher M. Snider, CEPA, CEO of the Exit Planning Institute (EPI), is a pioneer of the exit planning profession. In 2012, after working with a middle market family-owned business—which he helped grow from $90 million to $265 million in three years, preparing it to be sold to a larger multi-national strategic buyer—Snider purchased the EPI to bring the exit planning industry together. What started as an organization with only 180 members nationwide, has blossomed into an organization serving over 5,000 recognized exit planners—all now united through a proven process, collaboration, and community. Through Snider’s work to grow the profession through the EPI, exit planning has become an established career that helps business owners position their business and themselves for exit options—driving rapid business growth across the nation.

Snider is the award-winning author of Walking to Destiny: 11 Actions an Owner Must Take to Rapidly Grow Value & Unlock Wealth, a business strategy book about the Value Acceleration Methodology. Walking to Destiny is a five-star rated book that truly empowers owners. Because of the potential found in Snider’s work, he has also become a professional keynote speaker and content provider to the middle market business community, trade and industry associations, and professional education organizations.

Early in Snider’s career, he acted as a system integrator, supply chain manager, and mergers and acquisitions specialist for public companies such as The Sherwin Williams Company, Price Waterhouse, FedEx Logistics, Nike, Dell Computer, Hewlett Packard, Freightliner, and many others. For his written work and his contributions to the industry, Snider has been awarded honors that include 2016 NACVA Industry Titan Architect and 2016 AM&AA Thought Leader of the Year. In addition to leading EPI, Snider is the Managing Partner of Snider Premier Growth, the Founder of ThinkTank Publishing House, and the author of SniderValueIndex.com.


President, Exit Planning Institute
Scott Snider
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