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A major transformation in how we fly is being imagineered by Embraer to achieve net zero by 2050.
Embraer, has pledged to solve this enormous industry challenge and their goal was to share their vision with the global aviation community.
In late November 2021, they unveiled four concept regional aircraft powered by new propulsion technologies and renewable energies.
Gravity Global was tasked with launching this exciting programme – and how it was presented to a worldwide audience needed to be as bold and innovative as the concept aircraft.
As well as creating the ‘Energia’ name and an eye-catching aircraft livery, the Gravity team developed a full campaign including content and social, culminating in a spectacular webcast event, broadcast live from studios in Sao Paulo and London!
Each of the Energia aircraft were shown as 3D holograms for impact.
Entrant Company
Gravity Global
Marketing - Best Global Marketing Campaign
Country / Region
United Kingdom
Entrant Company
Gravity Global
Marketing - Best Product Marketing Campaign
Country / Region
United Kingdom
Entrant Company
Information Technology - Startup IT Company of the Year
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United States
Entrant Company
Gravity Global
Marketing - Aerospace & Defense
Country / Region
United Kingdom