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Through its shared, SaaS architecture and purpose-built software that leverages advancements in AI, ML, and IoT, Honeywell Forge is an industrial-grade software solution built with an enterprise model that mimics real-world behaviors and relationships across assets and acts as a foundation for Honeywell’s AI and machine learning algorithms to intelligently automate end-to-end processes.
Honeywell Forge includes a mix of software products and enabling services that help companies connect assets and use operational data to drive insights that improve processes, enhance productivity, support sustainability and compliance goals, while at the same time empowering workers. Honeywell Forge puts the power of reliable data in the hands of the people who and when they need it by connecting often disparate and complex assets and systems, eliminating data siloes, automating often manual and time-intensive processes.
Entrant Company
Hennessey Digital
Company & Organization - Branding, Advertising & Marketing
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United States
Entrant Company
Gravity Global
Business Website - Best Content
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United Kingdom
Entrant Company
Little Otter Health
Entrepreneur - Health Products & Services
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United States
Entrant Company
Enerjisa Enerji A.S.
Business Technology Solutions - Operation Management Solution
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